Friday, November 28, 2008


Hello all! Hope you holiday was as filling as mine. Now, what to do with all the leftovers. Well, I could come up with some wild recipe that requires an antique sandwich maker and call it something completely esoteric like a flying saucer... but instead, I'll just post this link to Better Homes and Gardens and let them suggest marginally bizarre things to do with cranberries and gravy in the same dish!

P.S.- Freya, I totally saw this first, you just beat me to the posting about it! For those you who don't know already, my sister has this amazing online Magazine called Fish nor Foul. Check it out, it's full of fun stuff.

1 comment:

Freya said...

Haha, I wrote another post on some things to do with leftovers for tomorrow too. Thanks for the link!